Skin Care 1:61 Rule

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I know you are thinking, "Great, another rule!" I promise the 1:61 rule is one that you will want/need to follow in order to improve your skin condition. We have all been told to perform our skin care routine twice a day which equals 62 times a month.So, what is this rule?

1 - the number of times you should visit an esthetician for treatments
61 - the number of times you will be performing your skin care routine at home

Why Should I Receive Monthly Professional Treatments?

There are many factors that contribute to the condition of the skin. During your monthly visits, your skin care professional performs treatments and updates your skin care routine based on the current condition.

Professional treatments such as microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and other procedures improve skin conditions and makes skin look smoother, brighter, and and more youthful. It is recommended that you receive a professional treatment once a month while in the maintenance phase; however, your treatment plan may call for visits ever 2-3 weeks based on your skin's condition.

The condition of our skin is constantly changing, as a result, the routine will likely need to change at least once during the year. For example, my skin is oily in the summer and dehydrated in the winter. I use a matte oil- free moisturizer and oil control products in warmer months, and focus more on hydrating products to compensate for the lack of humidity in cooler months.

Visiting an esthetician on a monthly basis is not a substitute for your annual skin checks; however, it is a great opportunity to have another set of eyes look at your skin. Although estheticians are not able to diagnose skin diseases, we have been trained to identify conditions that require medical attention.

At Home Skin Care Routine

You wouldn't visit your personal trainer once a month and expect results if you sat on the couch and did nothing the other 30 days, would you? Would your workout routine consist solely of cardio if your goal is to build muscle, probably not. Just like fitness, consistent use of the right products is key to achieving and maintaining skin care goals.Believe it or not, the at home routine is just as, if not more important than the monthly professional treatment. The professional treatments are more aggressive and oftentimes yield immediate results; however, the results will be short lived without a proper home care regimen.

I would be rich if I received a dollar every time someone said they only do the regimen once a day.Surprisingly, most people say they skip the night routine; it is equally important because our skin repairs itself while we sleep. For example; the oil, make-up, and dirt build-up must be removed from pores in order to let the dead skin cells surface. Clogged pores lead to acne; so no "Beauty Sleep" if you skip the night routine.The morning routine replaces moisture lost while sleeping and protects the skin from environmental factors like the sun.

In the previous section, I mentioned I change my skin care products during warm and cool months. This is an example of using the right product/ingredients for skin type and current condition. We all have something we would like to change about our skin. Determine what you want to change about your skin's condition, and ensure the products in your home regimen are designed for your skin type and condition.

For more information on the 1:61 rule, contact Brow to Toe Waxing and Skin Care Studio or schedule a complimentary consultation.

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