Do You Have a Skin Care Resolution for 2017?

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Many people resolve to take better care of their skin; however, they don't know where to start. The esthetician at Brow to Toe Waxing and Skin Care Studio will work with you to develop a skin care treatment plan and regimen to help achieve your goal. Deciding on products or ingredients to use can be taxing, confusing, and costly. Let us simplify the process for you!

A basic skin care regimen provides your skin with the nutrients and protection it needs on a daily basis. An effective basic skin care regimen consist of the following types of products:

  • Cleanser

  • Toner

  • Moisturizer

  • Broad Spectrum SPF


Cleansers are used to remove oil, make-up, dirt, pollutants and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. The cleansing step should be performed morning and night for about 1 to 2 mins. I recommend doing a double cleanse each time. The first cleanse is somewhat of a pre-cleanse to remove sunscreen and make-up. The second cleanse is a deeper cleanse to clean out pores and soften skin which is beneficial in the absorption of other products. I love using analogies, the double cleanse is like sweeping before mopping the floor.

While many cleansers claim to be suitable for all skin types, some work better than others due to the ingredients. For example, creamy cleansers typically work better for dry to normal skin and gel cleansers are ideal for oily/acneic skin.


Before becoming an esthetician, I thought toners were only needed for people with oily/acneic skin. The truth is we all benefit from using a toner. Most cleansers are alkaline in nature and tend to cause an imbalance of the skin. Toners work to restore the skin back to its natural PH and close pores, which is crucial in warding of harmful bacteria and contaminants.


What is the difference between a grape and a raisin? A raisin is nothing more than a dried grape. Think of your skin in the same manner; moisture keeps the skin plump, reduces inflammation, reduces the signs of aging, and promotes a more flawless make-up application.

This step is commonly skipped by people with oily skin; oil and moisture are not the same. As a result, oil free moisturizers are ideal if you have oily/acneic skin. I personally notice an increase in oil production when my skin is not properly hydrated.

Broad Spectrum SPF

When used properly, broad spectrum SPF is a great line of defense for skin cancers and aging caused by sun exposure. Unfortunately, most people only use sunscreens while on vacation or when participating in outside activities for an extended period of time. You may not realize it, but you are exposed to the sun's harmful rays every day. For example, during your daily commute, taking the dog for a walk, or sitting in your favorite chair by the window.

A SPF of 15 is adequate if you will be spending little to no time outside; however, it is recommended that you use a 30 or higher if you plan on being out for an extended period of time. When it comes to sunscreen, amount used and reapplication are just as important as the SPF Level. According to the Skin Cancer foundation a nickel sized amount is a general guideline for the face; don't forget about the ears and neck or visible areas of the back and chest.

Need expert advice on choosing a skin care regimen? Schedule a complimentary consultation today!

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