

Reveal Smoother and Younger-Looking Skin in Minutes!


A dull, dead skin build-up is a common issue in most women over 20. Not only does dull skin make you look older than you are, but it can also make your makeup application look uneven and cakey, provide an ideal condition for acne, and decrease the effectiveness of your skincare products.

Dermaplaning is the gentle, painless way to remove the top layer of dull, dead skin cells resulting in:

  • Removal of peach fuzz

  • Brighter and more youthful-looking skin 

  • Smoother makeup application 

  • No "downtime" 

  • Better penetration of skin care products

$125 | 60 MIN
$150 | 75 MIN
$200| 90 MIN




Will dermaplaning make my facial hair grow back thicker or darker?

Both genetics and hormones determine facial hair growth.  Contrary to popular belief, Dermaplaning will not make the hair on your face grow thicker or darker. The hair is cut off at the skin's surface; therefore, dermaplaning does not interfere with the hair’s follicle or natural growth cycle. 

What is the difference between professional dermaplaning facial vs. DIY dermaplaning?

Many at-home face shavers focus mainly on hair removal, with some devices claiming to provide exfoliation benefits. OTC products are not as effective as professional-grade dermaplaning tools. I choose to leave my own dermaplaning facial to another skin care professional trained to perform the treatment safely and can customize my treatment based on the condition of my skin and each area.  

How often should I receive a dermaplaning facial?

You should receive a dermaplaning facial every four to six weeks.

Is a dermaplaning facial better than a microdermabrasion facial?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Dermaplaning gently scrapes off the top layer of the skin, while microdermabrasion uses sanding and suction to exfoliate and unclog pores. Notably, it is better suited for pregnant women or clients with inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea or spider veins, which may get aggravated by the suction. 

What is the difference between a chemical peel and dermaplaning? 

Dermaplaning is a superficial way to remove dead skin cells from the surface of your face, which will give you that fresh look immediately following the procedure. It has been found effective at targeting only the topmost layers, so healing takes less time than chemical peels. On the other hand, chemical peels are more invasive, have more downtime, but are more effective in treating conditions like dark spots, wrinkles, acne, etc. 

Can I use dermaplaning as an alternative to facial waxing?  

Depends on the thickness of the hair.  Most women have vellus hair, which is like peach fuzz.  However, some women experience terminal hair growth. The terminal hairs are the thicker, longer hairs that are more noticeable, like beard, eyebrow, and chin hairs.  Terminal hairs are not suitable for removal via dermaplaning due to safety concerns.  These hairs must be removed by waxing, threading, or tweezing beforehand.  

Does a dermaplaning facial hurt?

The short answer to this question is no. Most clients report they only feel light feather strokes along their faces.  

What are the contraindications for a dermaplaning facial?

  • Botox or fillers in the past two weeks

  • Retinol or retinoid, alpha hydroxy or salicylic acids, or benzoyl peroxide  usage in the past five days

  • Oral medications like Accutane or Isotretinoin usage in the past 12 months

  • Prone to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

  • Diabetes is not under the control

  • Cancer treatments in the past six months

  • Usage of blood thinner or history of bleeding problems/delayed coagulation following injury

  • Slow healer

  • Routine use of a high dose of Aspirin

  • Active cold sores at the time of treatment must reschedule

  • Sunburned or windburned skin

  • Grade 3 or higher  Acne

  • Visibly irritated skin like eczema, psoriasis, and open wounds or raised areas of the skin like acne, moles,  skin tags, etc. will be avoided during the treatment

How long does a dermaplaning facial take?

The actual dermaplaning portion of the treatment should take about 30 minutes and includes the face and neck.  We offer 60, 75 and 90 minute dermaplaning facials.  

60 min - Cleanse, dermaplaning treatment, hydrating mask, finishing serums and creams

75 min - Everything included in 60 min, plus microcurrent, and enzyme mask

90 min - Everything included in 75 min, plus Firming Peptide Mask

What should I do to prepare for my dermaplaning facial?

Aside from the contraindications, the only requirement is that you can remain still for the duration of the facial and that you are on an approved skin care regimen that promotes healthy skin. As a result, we ask that you turn off all cellular devices or remove smartwatches as they can startle you during the facial.    

What should I do to care for my skin after my dermaplaning facial?

  • Avoid touching your face as much as possible, and use clean make-up brushes

  • Avoid tanning and tanning beds for at least ten days  and wear sunscreen daily

  • Avoid steam rooms, vigorous exercise, or hot tubs for 24-48 hours following treatment.

  • Use mild products, and wait at least five days before returning to your more aggressive skin care products like retinoids, retinol, acids, etc. 

  • You must agree to use a Brow to Toe-approved/recommended skin care regimen after the procedure.

  • Avoid professional exfoliation treatments for at least two weeks