Microcurrent: The Anti-Aging Solution


Women spend a lot of money on creams, potions, and lotions to address signs of aging. The truth is they offer some help but are no match for sagging jowls, sagging eyelids, and loose skin caused by aging. One solution many people don't know about is microcurrent therapy - which is an antiaging solution that has been proven to be effective for those who want to look younger.

Microcurrent has been shown to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin which keeps skin firm, preventing wrinkles from forming over time. It also improves circulation in the areas applied which can make them look healthier and more vibrant.

Microcurrent's success rate is high because it works with your body rather than against it.

History of Microcurrent

Microcurrent was first introduced in the 1970s for the treatment of Bell's palsy; a disorder that affects the muscles in one side of the face, resulting in drooping facial expressions and limited mouth movement. It was extremely effective and was considered a breakthrough for the treatment of Bell's Palsy. As a result, the beauty industry took notice, and microcurrent became a popular anti-aging treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Microcurrent?

Microcurrent is an effective antiaging solution for those who want to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, lift sagging skin, improve elasticity, promote healthy cells production with long-term use. Other benefits are :

  • Increased skin moisture and hydration

  • Radiant, youthful-looking complexion

  • A reduction in the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

  • Improved complexion: smoother, clearer skin and reduced pore size.

  • Reduced redness from rosacea with long-term use.

  • Speeds up of acne healing.

Is Microcurrent Safe?

The first thing to know is that microcurrent is safe for most people. However, people who have the following conditions are not good candidates for the treatment:

  • Epilepsy or history of seizures

  • Metal plates or pins in the area to be treated

  • Recent surgery

  • Phlebitis/thrombosis

  • Pregnancy or recent childbirth

  • Spine problems

  • Diabetes and cancer are OK with physician’s approval

How Does Microcurrent Feel?

Microcurrent is a barely noticeable electrical current that mimics the body's natural electrical currents and can be used on the face and body. In most cases, you will not feel the microcurrent on your skin; however, you may experience a metallic taste in your mouth and light flashes when the current is near your eyes. Overall, most clients find it relaxing and often fall asleep during the treatment.

How Often Do I Need Microcurrent?

During the corrective phase, you will need to see your esthetician once or twice a week for at least six weeks depending on your goals, skin type, and skin condition. Once you have reached your desired results, you can reduce your treatments to no less than once a month and incorporate the use of an at-home microcurrent device in your skincare regimen. Remember, just like your cell phone; you want to hold that energy charge so you can continue to reap the benefits of microcurrents.

What is the Best Age to Start Using Microcurrent?

Any age is a good age to start using microcurrent, but the sooner you start, the better. Why? Think of it like going to the gym; it is easier and takes less time to stay in shape than to get back into shape.

A recent article in New Beauty quotes Paris Hilton as saying, “I’ve never done an injection—no Botox, no fillers.” “Most of my friends have been doing that for years since they were in their twenties, but I’m so happy that I’ve not done anything.” Instead, she attributes the Neurotris microcurrent treatments to her youthful appearance.

It just so happens, Brow to Toe has the same device Hilton’s esthetician uses to maintain her beautiful ageless skin.

If you are like most people, you are probably ready to go online and find a microcurrent device after reading this article. Please don't do it! It is important to consult with a licensed esthetician about the best microcurrent device for your needs and how to use it to achieve your goals. Our corrective skincare specialists at Brow to Toe are here to educate you on microcurrent, our non-surgical facelift treatment, and how to use it as your personal antiaging solution.

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