Reasons We Can't Always Infill Lash Extensions from Other Artist


So, you have your lash extensions and now you just relocated to this area or want to find a place that is closer to home. At Brow to Toe, we are happy to serve new infill clients; however, we require a lash consultation to determine if we can perform an infill. Over the past four years, we have had the opportunity to provide consultations to over 40 clients who had their lash extensions applied in other salons. To date, we have only been able to infill five of those clients because the others had extensions that were too long or too thick, too much adhesive, damaged natural lashes, and lash extensions weren’t attached to more than 50% of their natural lashes.

Downside of Lash Extensions That Are Too Thick or Too Long

When it comes to lash extensions, Brow to Toe recognizes that one size does not fit all. The size and length are determined by the length and thickness of your natural lash. How can you tell if your extensions are too long or too thick? Sometimes you can tell immediately, but it usually takes about a week or more after the application. Your extensions will begin to flip because the natural lash will no longer be able to support the weight of the extension as the hair grows. Repeated use of improper lengths and thickness will not only result in lashes that are unpleasing esthetically but can cause damage to your natural lashes. 

Too Much Lash Extension Adhesive is Not Good

“My last lash extensions felt heavy, but I can’t feel these”, is a comment or compliment I get from many clients who have switched to Brow to Toe. This is because we are properly trained on the do’s and don’ts of lash extension adhesive. The improper use of lash extension adhesive can result in poor retention, clumping of lashes and eye irritation.  

So, how can you tell if they used too much adhesive or if your lashes are clumped together? You can see the adhesive. You shouldn’t be able to see the adhesive, in fact, I shouldn’t be able to see the adhesive when looking at extensions from a lash artist position. Next, the mascara wand gets stuck when you comb through your extensions. Combing your extensions is part of your daily post care requirements, which means you can’t properly care for them if you can’t comb through them. As a result, you are more likely to skip this step or cause premature damage by pulling on lashes. Lastly, extension to natural lash, or natural lash to natural lash clumping prevents your lash artist from getting an accurate assessment of the condition or your natural lashes and also decreases the amount of natural lashes available to bond during the infill appointment.

Clients with Unhealthy Natural Lashes are Not Good Candidates for Lash Extensions

Our NovaLASH Certified Extensionist is trained to apply extensions in a manner that allows clients to wear extensions indefinitely. With that being said, we will not apply extensions to natural lashes that appear to be unhealthy. Unhealthy natural lashes may be caused by health conditions or improper lash extension techniques. In most cases, if a person is wearing lash extensions, improper application is the likely culprit that is causing your natural lashes to grow back finer and shorter.  Clients with unhealthy natural lashes due to extensions are asked to remove extensions and return in approximately 45 to 60 for a consultation.


50% of Your Natural Lashes Must have Lash Extensions to Qualify for an Infill.

It is common for new infill clients to inquire about a two week fill when in fact they need a half set or what we call a regular infill. Our policy is for every client to leave with a full set of lash extensions at the conclusion of each infill appointment. On average, a full set is approximately 120 extensions per eye for Brow to Toe lash clients. According to an article in, a basic set of eyelash extensions is about 70-80 extensions per eye. Based on the Cosmo stats, the average growth cycle, and the Brow to Toe application standards, the client who received a "basic set" would have to schedule an infill at Brow to Toe no later than 1.5 weeks post application.  

We believe an ounce of prevention outweighs a pound of cure. In the event you aren’t wearing extensions, only seek out a salon and artist who has a great reputation for attention to detail and satisfied lash clients. This will increase your chances of being able to receive fills by other reputable and experienced artists. Are you considering Brow to Toe to meet your infill needs, if so schedule your consultation with our NovaLASH Advanced American Volume Extensionist.

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