Why YOU Should Think Twice before 'DIY-Ing' Your Skincare

Scrolling through TikTok, I stumbled upon a video promoting an acne product that the poster had allegedly been using for a year. Offering my professional insights in a comment, I found it swiftly removed. This experience underscored my realization that the main objectives for social media influencers, or self-professed beauty gurus, are accruing likes, shares, and followers rather than providing genuine advice. Many don't have the education or experience to take care of their own skin, let alone provide advice to others. The endorsed product either wasn't as effective as claimed or wasn't the right fit for her skincare needs, which is why I offered feedback. 

The temptation of DIY skincare solutions is strong, fueled by the easy accessibility and viral nature of beauty tips on platforms like TikTok. However, individuals should exercise caution and maintain a healthy skepticism about these online skincare miracles, particularly when addressing complex issues like aging skin, and inflammatory skin conditions. Opting for DIY methods might offer a sense of control and convenience, but they often fall short in safety and efficacy. 

Through this blog post, we aim to dissect the impact TikTok has had on skincare routines and emphasize the importance of consulting with licensed estheticians for reliable, professional advice on creating an effective skincare regimen.

“Natural” Is Not Always Better

One of the common trends I see on social media is using all-natural products. The appeal of homemade skincare, especially with the use of "all-natural" components such as essential oils, might seem like a safe and beneficial option at first glance. However, it's vital to recognize that not all natural ingredients are suitable for everyone's skin. Despite being natural, essential oils are highly concentrated and can lead to skin irritation, allergic reactions, or sensitivities if not utilized correctly. The effectiveness and safety of other natural ingredients also fluctuate substantially due to variations in quality and concentration, which could result in unexpected outcomes and potential damage to the skin.

In addition, these ingredients may not always be compatible when mixed together, or they might disrupt the skin's natural pH balance. A healthy pH balance is crucial for maintaining the skin's barrier function and overall appearance. Therefore, it's important for individuals to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before incorporating any natural ingredients into their skincare regimen. 

Another consideration when using "all-natural" products is the shelf life.   Unlike commercially produced skincare products, homemade ones may not have preservatives or stabilizers, leading to a shorter shelf life.  Additionally, things like the type of oil, storage, and extraction method can impact the shelf life.

If you are searching for effective products with few ingredients, we welcome you to try the Viktoria De’Ann serums we carry in the studio.    The brand's products are formulated with active peptides that have been scientifically proven to address various skin concerns and provide visible results.      

The Advice Professional Estheticians Give (That TikTok Won't)  

Recently, I had a client who experienced significant improvements in her acne after a consultation. Unlike the one-size-fits-all advice often found on platforms like TikTok, our session provided tailored recommendations to address her unique skin concerns. It turned out that one of her skincare products was aggravating her acne, and another crucial product was missing from her regimen.

After making these adjustments, she happily reported that not only had her acne improved, but any new breakouts were also quicker. This personal success story underscores the value of professional guidance over-generalized online tips from people who can only tell you what worked for them and not necessarily if, why, or how it may benefit you.

Why Professional Guidance Trumps Trendy Tips in Skincare

Trust in a licensed esthetician over a TikTok influencer for skincare advice is grounded in education, experience, and personalized care. Estheticians undergo rigorous training and certification to understand the science behind skin health, including anatomy, chemistry, and dermatological conditions. We are trained to analyze an individual's skin type, identify underlying issues, and recommend treatments or products tailored to specific needs.

Unlike influencers, whose perspectives are often shaped by personal experiences or brand partnerships, estheticians rely on proven methods and clinical knowledge. We consider your skin’s unique concerns and history, offering advice that is not only safe but effective. By choosing a professional in the field, you ensure that your skincare regimen is guided by expertise and designed for your skin’s well-being.

While the allure of DIY skincare trends and “natural” remedies on social media platforms like TikTok can be tempting, it's crucial to approach these with caution and prioritize professional advice. The difference between a short-lived trend and lasting skin health lies in the understanding that skincare is deeply personal and complex. Licensed estheticians offer the expertise and personalized care necessary to address individual skin concerns effectively, ensuring that your skincare routine promotes health and radiance. Before incorporating new practices or products into your regimen, remember the importance of professional guidance over the convenience of viral tips. Your skin deserves the best care, grounded in knowledge and expertise, rather than fleeting social media trends.

Nakia VargasComment